
The best treatment options for knee pain

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If you have any knee issues, you know how debilitating chronic knee pain or knee instability can be. One day you might be running and exercising with ease and the next you feel down because you’re not able to function at your maximum capacity. Knee pain happens like this. Regardless of if you have had an injury or have chronic arthritis, severe knee pain will be nagging and difficult to treat at times. The knee is a very large joint and your knees are always literally carrying the weight of your body. It is no wonder that they might feel stress or instability.

Common causes of knee pain include pain when bending and pain when exercises. The pain is often located behind the knee. If you feel or experience this, you should seek treatment from a knee pain doctor as well as follow the suggestions below.

Treatment options for knee pain

You should feel relieved to know that many knee issues can be resolved at home without extensive intervention. If you have never heard of or used the RICE method, you might consider it. This is a great at home remedy that consists of the following: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. For nagging arthritis or minor injury, this will be a great treatment for you. For more serious cases of knee pain, you might require additional support from a physician.

Here are some other at home remedies that you should consider:


If you love to exercise but do not feel your knees can take any pounding or high-impact activities, you should continue to strengthen your muscles and joints. The best way to do so is by getting in the water. Water aerobics or swimming will be an incredible tool for you during treating your knee pain. You do not want to rest so much that the knee joint becomes stiff. You simply want to find better exercise options, such as swimming, until you are experiencing less pain.

Mobility devices

Perhaps you are limping and finding walking painful. It is okay and recommended to use a cane for a period of time to reduce the weight and pressure you are putting on your knee. This will also prevent you from falling, which could cause additional injury, in the event that you become weak and unable to put much weight at all on your leg. Do not be afraid to require a mobility device.

Get an insole

You should consider the shoes that you are using. If they are stiff and hard and not supporting your feet very well, this will impact your knees. Your doctor or physical therapist will be able to recommend the best brand and type of insole for your shoes based on your specific pain or diagnosis. This will be an incredible investment for promoting the long-term health of your knees. Your knee pain doctor will be able to recommend the best brand for your specific knee pain and treatment needs.


Many patients report incredible long-term results by using acupuncture. Acupuncture is the process of inserting very fine needles into certain parts of the body to relieve pain. It should not cause any additional pain and many people find it to be quite soothing.

Explore ice and heat

You may find that ice is helpful for reducing the inflammation and swelling that you occur. You might find that heat helps soothe the knee joint after long periods of using ice. We recommend that you experiment to see what works best for you regarding pain and maximum functioning. Either way you should not have ice or heat on your skin for longer than 10-15 minutes so as not to burn your skin.

Ask for support

You should not be tackling knee pain alone. Ensure that you have access to the best knee pain doctor in your area. If you have rested, iced, and elevated your knee for more than a few days with no reduce symptoms or resolution, you should seek support from your knee pain doctor or orthopedic knee pain doctor who can recommend either a sports medicine doctor, a physical therapist, or work with you to develop the appropriate treatment plan. You do not have to live in pain. Accessing supports will be the quickest way to answers and being as pain free as you can be.

If you are local to New York, we would love to work with you as your knee pain doctor. If you are not, you might consider asking your friends, peers, and contact your insurance to recommend the best knee pain doctor near you for the best treatment.